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There’s so much support through weekly phone catch ups, websites with information, Facebook page and support groups, etc. My diet has definitely improved for the better. The program goes for 6 months which I believe is a good functional length of time to cement changes in behaviour. Definitely recommend.
I had excellent experience. The first week was hard for me but later I learned to understand that I must listen to my coach. I followed my coach’s advice – it was very hard in the beginning because getting rid of bad habits takes time. I felt I was not alone and got the help and advice when I needed it.
My experience was really positive. The best thing I learned was to change my bad habits. I completely changed my diet, and started drinking lots of water, I got a FitBit and started counting my steps each day and monitoring my sleep patterns. The weight seemed to drop slowly, but it kept dropping, and I just get the feeling that I wont put it back on and I feel real confident that I wont go back to my old bad habits because I plan to keep my sugar levels under control, so the weight will keep dropping till I reach my ideal weight and that’s my new goal, to get below 80kg and to stay there.
1. Communication. This was very important to me. I have a lot going on in which contributed to not always being able to achieve my goals. My coach, is a great listener & always suggested ways of breaking down options to help assist in achieving my goals.
2. Trustworthy, honesty, reliable, professional. My coach ticked all of these boxes for me. I’ve been able to get back on track with a healthy eating plan. Whilst the exercise has been slower to achieve, it is happening, finally. The most important thing I achieved, was to take time out for myself. Moving house recently, this was such a huge thing to try and do. I welcomed the fortnightly calls from my coach who always steered me in the right direction, providing support and resources for the programme to refer to.
3. The Miyagi Healthy App. This was such a user friendly system. I found no problem navigating around it at all. From great recipes, videos, moving scheduled appointments etc, just so easy.
4. I enjoyed the programme and love the fact I’m still able to have access to the App and reach out to the team.
5. The Miyagi FB I joined as well and whilst not posting alot here, I did follow the group for some great members advice and their achievements too.
6. Finally, with all the information, support provided, the thing to remember, is, it was up to me to refer to and use it. I’ve completed my programme and can say Miyagi certainly excelled in all of the above. They have given me the opportunity to think differently about myself in the way of living a healthier lifestyle and the importance of my own wellbeing, so thank you.
When I read all about the program, I knew I wanted to join. Right from the very first telephone appointment I felt like a part of the family and that made me feel that I was on the right track. What I really like and the most important thing is the communication has been 100% which makes it a lot easier to understand the process and today I received a lovely little gift from the team. I can’t wait to really get stuck into the program.
If you want shakes, meal plans etc, this is not for you. You may think you know everything there is to know about food and exercise but if you do, why are you here? If you want to make positive changes to your health and wellbeing with a supportive group and dieticians who help guide you. Then come this way. Sure, it’s not cheap but scrub that from your mind, you are here to make changes for life, not for the duration of a diet. I’ve lost weight, lost cms and am in control. I didn’t have any particular health issues but needed to lose weight as I was uncomfortable. It’s all changing and I am happy about that. And I can still have a sausage roll or pizza!
My Miyagi coach dietitian is an absolute legend. She kept me focused on the positive achievements when I was feeling hopeless, opened my eyes to some really useful changes I could easily make with my exercise, meals, and routines and kept me thinking about overall health. I’m so thankful to my dietitian and the program, and I highly recommend it
My lovely dietician helped me throughout my journey and I couldn’t have asked for a better person to interact with.
Her knowledge of all things diet related, her understanding, compassionate way toward me and her beautiful friendly yet professional attitude are second to none.
Without her regular calls and encouragement, I honestly don’t think I would have stuck with the program. I knew what I had to do, I just needed to make myself accountable to someone so I would commit 100% until this became my lifestyle. Which I am proud to say it has
The thing I like most about this is that it’s not reliant on shakes, or fads of any kind, it’s all just common sense. Which makes it easy to maintain after your program is finished.
The support that I receive from my dietician plays a motivating role in my quest to achieve my program goals. I am seeking to lose some weight; improve my heart health; exercise regularly; eat well and eat appropriate quantities of food – and learn to eat when I feel hungry – to eat only until I feel full and to introduce more Mediterranean foods into my food regime. My dietitian is guiding me positively. Taking time to prepare food and to eat mindfully – that is a focus too! What a great program to be a part of !
I’ve tried diets on my own and have never been able to stick it out, signing up for Miyagi has been great as it is the exact amount of support I need.
Checking in weekly and talking to a real person each week has helped me learn about food portioning, healthy ideas, and helps me make little goals that have really helped me set up good long term habits.
So far, this journey has been fantastic. It’s been difficult for me to make changes in the past but I feel more and more that I’m making progress. I was unsure to start with. Can I really afford this? Probably not but I’m making every cent count. I needed to be accountable and this program is making all the difference. I’m more aware of my actions and my mind and feeling better every day. I’m understanding and managing my menopause symptoms more every day!
My experience has been a slow revisiting of my habits, and I have been given space, counsel and encouragement to check them. At times I felt like a child, restoring foundational things like water intake, “fruit twice a day” etc But so what? I see how busy my days are, with minimal time for self care/planning/enjoyment. I am not where I want to be, but I have been grateful that my directions have been changed, my systems feel better, and I can shake off all the “opinions/fads” about food advice & stay the course with optimism! My dietitian was consistently helpful, answering questions and seeing more positive steps in my week than I did! Encouragement is powerful. Thankyou.
I think the best things about the Miyagi program are the weekly sessions with the dietician, the meal planning resources, the Facebook support group and Dr Walker’s sessions. By far the best thing is the time with Shanae each week. She has been kind, supportive, well informed and gently directional. I feel so much happier about my health and food choices. I am exercising more and am able to enjoy eating good food. Although the website is a bit clunky, once you learn how it works, it is very helpful.
The weekly calls are really helping keep me on track and put me in the right direction to help me be more healthy in my day to day. The goal setting is great because it’s always done in a way that is sustainable. All of the resources are informative and help me plan my next step. The app keeps me on track because I use the food and water logging so I can see where I need to improve. I like to see everyone’s ideas and journeys on the Facebook group, I’ve yet to use any of those resources but I like that they’re easily accessible. I’d like to see time settings in the goal setting part of the app, but otherwise everything is working for me.
I have found the experience with Miyagi very positive, supportive and productive. I have been guided and transformed into who I once was, a passionate and positive person. I can see where I am heading and smashing my goals. My last goal is to run a half marathon in my home town this November. I have been given all the tools to read and use and can’t think of how I could do my new lifestyle without the guidance of Miyagi.
The support and advice given by the program was exactly what i have needed to establish good routines, learn better food selection planning and find regular exercise options that fit in with my life style. My dietitian has been a fantastic support and has gently but firmly helped me to set weekly goals. Overall i feel healthier, fitter slimmer and more flexible and i would consider having the option to continue perhaps fortnightly for a few months if this was available. Thank you
I would like to say how grateful I am for my beautiful coach, she us an amazing person who has enriched my life and has given me the tools and support to continue on my journey to a happier, healthier me. I would recommend this programme to anyone who is struggling with food. it has always been a demon in my life. but not now and will never ever be again.
Through working with my dietician, I am learning so much about my nutrition and what works to sustain my body in all the activities I need to do every day. I am actively renewing my mind from the way that society has programed me in regard to what I should look like and what is beautiful. I have discovered my reasons for dieting and binge eating and the emotions that drive those behaviours. I’ve still got a lot to deal work through in loving my body and respecting what it does for me every day, but at least I have started the process. My dietitian has been a fantastic support for me and is such an encouragement. Thanks for your teaming with me.
Having my weekly call with my dietitian has been my best experience. I don’t think I’ve lost weight but I’m not concentrating on that as I have in the previous past. I’m developing healthy lifelong habits and mindset. She always has some goals for me to work on that benefit me individually. I love the community on Facebook and I am inspired by the posts. I have learnt a lot from the modules that will benefit me now and into the future. The money I paid is an investment for a healthy future for myself and my family are inspired by my healthy changes. Miyagi is helping our nation to be healthier.
This program gives your the opportunity to take control of your health and ownership for your decisions . It is very supportive with a weekly meeting with a dietitian. It has great knowledgeable information and recepies. A awesome Facebook group and video links to a heart specialist. There is no magic pill to good health choices you get out what you put in. Since I joined in February I have lost 6kg. Dropped 5 cm around my waist . Reduced blood sugars from 15+ to 10 and blood pressure from 180/120 to 136/83 . So at present I’m am more in control of my Diabetes and hypertension. Thank you Miyagi team especially to my dietitian. Oh and I have introduced plant based foods to my diet thanks to the educational programs.
TI am so happy to let you all know that after 5 months working with my fab dietitian, I have wonderful news from my doctor. My blood tests, especially my liver ones, are all normal. I have lost a few kilos, I am more active and my dietitian has been working with me on my healthy food and drink choices. My pantry looks quite different and I am practising mindful food prep (all prepared from scratch) and am really grateful for the opportunities this program and especially to my dietitian have given me.
I am stoked. 😀
The Miyagi program is very different to any other “diet” program I have signed up for… that’s because it’s not what I would refer to as a “diet” program. It’s a holistic approach to nutrition and health.
Having completed the 6 months with my dietician, I am in a much healthier place with regard to my HbA1c, LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, and overall energy levels. I originally signed up with the goal of weight loss but found that this goal became less important the more I focussed on my overall health. I have lost weight but more importantly my health has improved beyond what I thought possible. It’s amazing how making what seem like little changes to your eating and activity can have such significant effects.
If you’re looking for a quick fix weight loss program where everything is dictated for you, this isn’t it. But if you’re looking to learn sustainable healthy habits, change your relationship with food and your body, and feel confident to keep going beyond the program, I would highly recommend Miyagi. You can achieve great things if you are willing to put in the effort and pay attention to what you are being taught.
I was skeptical at first however my dietician has shown me that my diet mentality was basically ruining any chance of having a good relationship with food. My mindset has changed significantly and that’s a big win after 30 plus years of yo-yo dieting. I didn’t lose any weight but I didn’t diet for six months and my weight stayed the same which was a win to me. It’s really opened my eyes to a new way of living and no food is bad. It’s all about balance.
my Nuitritionist was amazing. So knowledgeable about food options, exercising with injury and supporting the journey. I had some other medical issues along the way but my dietitian and the program information helped me make good choices. The Facebook support page helped with my isolation. Great program and great people.
This program has been such a positive experience for me. Blood tests at the start of the program revealed a number of health concerns which, to be honest, scared me but with the support of my weekly dietitian consultation with my dietitian, I was able to take control of my health and significantly improve some quite worrying blood test results. My dietitian was supportive, positive and encouraging and she taught me so much about how good food choices can improve my health. This program teaches you that weight loss diets do not work. The only thing that truly works is choosing to eat healthy foods and meals that everyone in the family can eat. The program also got me moving! I used to be very sedentary and this was a big contributor to feeling always tired and lethargic. After 26 weeks of setting weekly goals of good eating and exercise, I have slowly lost weight, decreased my cholesterol and blood sugar levels, increased my energy levels and I feel so much healthier and in control.
With the tools that my dietitian has taught me, along with the fantastic information provided in the app and Facebook support, I am confident that I will continue heading towards a health weight range and improving my overall health.
Thank you to my dietitian, my champion dietitian, for your support and guidance. I am so glad that I signed up for this program. It works!!
My experience has been enjoyable thanks to my dietitian who is friendly, informative, helpful, and educational guidance and support. She has been clear and concise on the information and advice she has provided, making it easy to understand and follow. She has been great in the way she has answered any questions I’ve had. She has been encouraging in my weight loss journey, which has been much appreciated. My dietitian shows genuine interest in how I am and the progress I’m making. I’m very grateful for the advice, guidance and support I’ve received from my dietitian. It has definitely made my weightloss journey easier and more enjoyable.
Completed my course with my dietician. She was always supportive. I learnt so much about food and how it impacts the body. Since finishing I have kept on with healthy eating and am still making good choices. So pleased I did the course
One of the best decisions I have made in a long time. I have learned so much about food, nutrition and health. I’ve lost a bit of weight, I’m more active, feel a million times better and have not had a migraine since I started looking after myself better. The weekly chats with my dietitian are so good and the tracking app is fabulous. At the start it helps you and your dietitian to see what you are eating and also why. Are you hungry? Bored? Anxious? Habit eating? Your dietitian gives you feedback and helps you to improve your balance on the plate and suggests additions or subtractions for balance.
The program is about empowering you as a reasonable person to educate yourself by using the tools offered in the app., via the FB support group and videos and live chats etc.
I work full time so joining the live chats is not possible but I can watch them later if I choose to.
I have not felt this well in a very long time.
The program has been great for me. I went into it ready for change. My dietitian listened and help me develop sustainable changes. The initial screening was easy and helpful. I was able to claim dietitian sessions on my health fund.
This program worked well for me. As I am a procrastinator the calls from my coach kept me accountable. Luckily I don’t have any major health problems, so focusing on changing habits was my focus. I’m 67 and my mum is a fairly fit 97, so I want to ensure my next 30 or so years are healthy and happy ones. The resources, especially the video on “there are no good or bad foods” example of a pendulum was very powerful for me. That and “Eat the Rainbow” is something that stays with me. So I really appreciate having all the tools available to me while on this journey. Thanks to my dietitian for your guidance.
I have found this to be a very comprehensive and helpful program. I am seeing results after 4 weeks and seeing a shift in my thinking and awareness of the benefits of a good diet. The dieticians are well informed and very professional, providing guidance along with recipes and information that builds into a resource that can be referenced at any time. Dr Ross does a live Q and A each week which is interesting with solid advice we can all understand. I am very pleased with my progress and determined to make a lasting difference.
Today was my last call with my dietitian. I just want to say thank you to her and miyagi for fine tuning my eating habits. It has set me on a journey of healthy eating with occasional treats. It’s ok to eat some carbs…it’s ok.to have treats but just occasionally. It has been a program of confirming fresh is best. I also started push up challenge last qeek and hope to keep that up even after June. Aim is to stay healthy and happy. I am 64 and kicking it!!
The Miyagi experience was interesting. I was hoping to lose the 10kg I have gained after a brush with breast cancer & a sport injury. Unhappily, I didn’t lose any weight at all. Also, the program confirmed that I am quite diet/nutrition savvy probably after losing around the same weight gain with weight watchers around 15 years ago. My initial blood test confirmed my good nutritional health status with not much to tweak. I thought the weekly call was as helpful and my dietician was helpful & kind. I think I may have done better if the goals we identified were more around weight loss rather than dietary habits. Since completing the program I reflect that I have made a few helpful tweaks around managing my cake/biscuit preference which is helpful and will be a good behaviour change going into my own, unsupported, weight loss plan that I am starting now.
My dietician is patient, calm, practical, non judgemental and full of practical suggestions. I have never felt talked down to. She’s like a clever friend who knows how to help, not enable. I’m about halfway into the program and have lost weight and my Dr is thrilled with my cholesterol numbers that have come down significantly. Best of all I feel empowered and not on a diet. For the first time in my life I feel like I’m in control of the food and the decisions around it. I am not being dragged around by the teeth anymore. I make my own decisions and I don’t catastrophise about eating a cupcake or Easter egg anymore. I can keep it in perspective and not let it get out of hand. This has NEVER been my experience before!
I was skeptical, why would this be any different to other programs. I know what I should be doing I simply wasn’t doing it…
The regular contact with my dietitian has been the key, it’s kept me accountable, it’s allowed me to talk openly and honestly without judgement and through this have come leaps and bounds. My mindset is clear and focused, I don’t let my hiccups interfere, I keep moving forward, keep my main goal at the forefront. It’s definitely a personal journey and am grateful I chose to embark on it.
I am delighted with the program. Weekly calls with my dietician help keep me accountable and great eating tips that are making a huge difference. Ability to take photo and load every meal for food journal as well as recording changes in metrics is very useful. This is a slow burn program for people who want to make sustained change and nothing else works.
Highly recommend Miyagi. So far this has been amazing, I am losing weight but more importantly I am changing the way I think. Talking to my dietician each week encourages me, teaches me and helps me be accountable for my decisions. I am now doing lots of exercise and enjoying it, I am keeping hydrated and making healthy food options. I am loving this new way of life and I know the small changes I am slowly implementing in my lifestyle are here to stay.
Great program that is easy to follow. Only required to make small changes to diet and exercise which are all supported by a Nutritionist. The resources are excellent as are the recipes which are easy to make. Has helped me lose over 10kg, thoroughly recommend
I am so happy with the program. Starting with getting my blood tests to see if there was anything that we should be concentrating on for my health. My dietitian has very very encouraging. New ideas with each catch up is great to keep up my motivation. When I was having trouble with my knees, she found alternative exercises for me to do. Losing 4 kg so far in my journey is awesome. My clothes are fitting so much better. Miyagi is the program I have been looking for.
I am very happy that I have chosen the heart focus Miyagi programme. I really appreciate the weekly support from my qualified dietician who is fantastic. I have gained so much knowledge, the resource documents are fabulous and the app is very easy to use. I am making changes to improve my long term health and I am so pleased I have done this for myself.
I joined Miyagi after years of failed diet attempts and just craving and hoping for something better. I was gifted for my dietitian and across each session we slowly changed and/or improved on different areas of my diet and life in general. I learned so much from my time, with little courses and extra bits of information added to the app, and took on the advice from my dietitian for extra reading and websites I could search through. Things I didn’t expect to gain from my time here, was a much more positive view of myself and my life, more confidence and just changed my ideas about weights and the numbers on the scale in general. If you need a life shake-up I highly recommend giving Miyagi a go and be sure to really make use of your time and sessions with them. It’s well worth it!
*I feel like as a side note I should add, my bloods at the end were near perfect and it’s even given me the tools to help bring down my husband’s cholesterol levels too.
My dietitian has been great, listening to what I say and has excellent knowledge to make suggestions for me.
Also very supportive and positive.